The official leaflet of the "Staande Mast Route" describes the crossing of Amsterdam during the night as a memorable experience. They are absolutely right!
Shortly before 1am, a radio message warned all yachts to get ready. Motors and navigation lights go on all around, and the boats position themselves in front of the first bridge or go slowly in circles. Finally the lights go red green, and soon after green. We move under the first bridges and into a lock.
In the lock, starting the crossing of Amsterdam by night. |
The next two hours were spent motoring through the canals of Amsterdam, passing bridge, after bridge, after bridge. After each one, the fastest yachts would move ahead. They would be followed by a large, wide classic boat that due to her beam had to slow considerably to pass the bridges. The convoi was closed by Wørk (a 24ft-ish with inboard motor) and finally Mekicevica and the Volksboot struggling with their little outboard motors with no reverse.
We passed the last bridge just before 3am, after which yachts are allowed to moor until 10am before moving out of Amsterdam and into the busy IJ. So it was that Mekicevica and crew had a short night's sleep on an Amsterdam canal.