On Thursday morning there was a bit of wind, just enough to get us moving, but from the wrong direction. Our destination is Vollendam, 16 nm to the North, the longest trip we have ever attempted. Moreover, beating against the NE wind will add a lot to the distance.
Out of the harbour, we still have to avoid the shipping traffic, and partly sail, partly motor until we have enough free water to start a series of long tacks. On the port tack we would go out until the shipping lane, than on starboard tack until the proximity of land started to turn the wind even more against us. In the weak to moderate wind, the going was easy, and there was about 20 min to half-hour between tacks. First Mate even managed to fall asleep in the warm sunshine.
Sailing out of Durgendam in a light breeze. |
During the day the wind gradually increased and backed to N. As we came around the Marken peninsula the sailing got a bit more challenging. It could not have been blowing harder than 4 Bf, but on these open waters the waves are bigger, and it feels rougher than under the same conditions in Zeeland.
We kept the long tacks, now in view of the beautiful Marken lighthouse.
The sailing got more interesting as we passed the Marken lighthouse, strangely named the "Paard van Marken" (Horse of Marken). |
Away from land it started to feel rougher and we took Jenny in a few rolls. As we turned W around the peninsula, we even decided to reef the main, in part to make the going easier, partly to try reefing "on the go" with my newly designed reefing system. The outcome is that it does work, but needs some further improvement. It was too hard to get the right tension on the clew, and the sail was too baggy.
Anyway it was good enough to get us to Vollendam marina in perfect control and thoroughly happy. Relaxed sailing in perfect weather with just enough of a challenge in the end. A perfect sailing day!