Saturday 4 June 2011

Best Sail Ever

It might have appeared that yet another round tour of the Grevelingenmeer would be a poor substitute to exploring new waters on the other side of the lock. As it turned out, we had the most pleasant day of sailing so far. The wind was moderate, increasing to a fresh breeze during the day.
We sailed out to the public anchorage on the W of the largest island (Veermansplaat). There we had a short break, reefed sails and headed E again.
The reefing setup I made-up works really well. Close-reaching, Mekicevica rhythmically pitching into the waves but without too much helm pressure. The sun shinning and windy enough to discourage the crowds you get some days. Absolute bliss!
It even inspired us to make a short movie, although I don't think it will get nominated for the Oscars.

The sailing day finished with exploring a different marina: Herkingen, on the NE side of the lake. The approach involved a series of long tacks, and then motoring up a long, marked channel between shallows.
The marina was nice, but the town does not have much to offer. The only "entertainment" seems to be a cafe, but it was closed (on a Saturday night!).