Saturday 28 July 2012

Exploring the Oosterschelde. 2. Colijnsplaat

Colinsplaat is a typical "Zeeuwse" village, founded as part of the poldering of the mid-XVIIth century. It follows the traditional plan of the time, based around a main street running between the harbour and the church.
Happy sailor on the dike near Colinsplaat.
It stands on the site where in Roman times was a town called Ganuenta. As a reminder of those past times, a reconstruction of a temple dedicated to the goddess Nehalennia was erected. Once, the Batavian sea-going people used to ask Nehalennia for protection.
Image of the goddess Nehalennia, protector of the Batavian sea-going people.
Coming back to less spiritual matters, the main street provided abundant choice of places offering food freshly harvested out of the Oosterchelde waters.