It is the 1st of May long weekend. Friday was spent in a frenzy of finishing preparing Mekicevica, and Saturday is Ready-Or-Not-Here-We-Go.
There was plenty of sunshine and only some high cloud and the wind was a weak easterly (2-3 Bf), perfect for the first sail of the season. But it was unseasonaly cold.
Sunshine but still thick clothes and gloves. |
We did not sleep aboard, so had a late start. Just after noon we cast-off, hoist the sails immediately out of the harbour and head up the Grevelingen on a broad to beam reach.
Broad to bream reach in a weak easterly wind. |
After a little over two hours of relaxed sailing, as we were in front of the harbour of Bommenede, we turned back for the beat back to Bruinisse. Then we really started feeling the cold, especially when on port tack when we were in the shadow of the sails. Fortunately as the sun moved east we could enjoy her warmth again.
About half a dozen tacks and three hours later a frozen but happy crew was back in Bruinisse.
Unfortunately it is going to be very wet on Sunday, so we returned home for the celebration of the start of the season.