Friday, 4 July 2014

New Headsail Cars

In the last month life has been getting in the way of sailing. While the sun was shining, and the winds were perfect for relaxed sailing, I was busy with a house move. Why can't we live on a boat?! Moving would be so much easier...
At least I managed to repair the damage from the last cruise to Tholen and back: the headsail cars.
I had never noticed, but the track is rubber and of a very non-standard size. The best I could do was getting 25x4 cars and then use a sanding machine to thin the tracks. A very dirty job to do...
The new adjustable headsail cars. Very racey.
But I am pleased with the result. While I was at it, I set-up the headsail cars so that their position can be tweaked on-the-go. Gosh, am I turning into a racing sail-trimmer?